
  • Electronic braking systems EB+ «Basic training»

  • Doelgroep

    • HGV Mechanics


    • Understand the general operation of an EBS system.
    • To be able to identify the various components of an electronic locate, diagnose, and repair the brake system.
    • Topics: EB+ Gen1, EB+ Gen2 et EB+ Gen3.
    • To be able to find and understand the data via Info Center.


    • Basic knowledge of pneumatic braking systems and IT.


    16 uur


    14 uur

    Aantal onderdelen


  • The trainer is an expert in air brakes and electronic systems for heavy goods vehicles. Learning aids used during this training aids: documentation, Working test board of the EB+ system “Learn to think like a machine”

do 20-03-2025 08:45vr 21-03-2025 16:4514MariakerkeInschrijven

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